Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 25
The day of the surgery. We had to be at Mayo at 5:30 a.m.

Surgery started at a little before 7:30 a.m. A nurse called us about 4 hours in and told us it would be another 2 plus hours. Eddie was in surgery for about 6.5 hours.

Crystal, Maria, my parents, Megan and Grant we all waited together. Megan brought games and Maria had a game on her phone. I have to tell you we were a sight. Grant even brought Eddie a Mickey Mouse. I don't know what I would have done without my family. They are amazing people!

The doctor explained to the girls, my parents and myself everything that was done. The type of tumor Eddie had usually grows like a spur and outward. Leave it to Eddie to be a little different his grow down and flat. Meaning that the tumor crossed both the right and left of the center plain of the tongue. Dr. Hinni had to remove it a little deeper and across to remove the tumor. As far as the doctor is concerned he got it all and when Eddie wakes up he should be cancer free. They also removed a 100 lymph nodes on the right side of his neck. That scar runs from behind the right ear down past his Adams apple about 2 inches into the left side scar. We should find out the results from everything in the next couple of visits.

Eddie stayed in critical care for a night. Some things didn't go to great after the surgery. I ended up staying with him until 4:30 a.m. I headed home to get some sleep and was back up there by 10:00 a.m. Later that day Eddie was moved up to the 5th floor where they take care of ENT and other types of head surgeries or testing of the brain. The nurses where happy that Eddie could walk himself to the bathroom. 

When Dr. Hinni came in to check on Eddie I asked about physical therapy because of the limitations of his neck movement. Dr. Hinni said absolutely if you think its needed. Eddie was all for it.

All of the staff at Mayo were fantastic. One nurse Susan taught me how to use the feeding tube and prepare all the meds. Every day for three straight days they made me learn something.

I'm sure this is TMI but I have to tell it. Friday this little older lady who helps the nurses comes in because Eddie need to go to the restroom. I'm going to call her Paula but I don't think thats right. Paula helps Eddie to the bathroom and here's how it goes.

Paula: Eddie I think you need to take a bath
Eddie: No, I'm fine
Paula: Yes I think you do
Eddie: No I don't and walks into the bathroom

As Eddie is in the bathroom Paula rushes and strips he's bed before he comes out.
Paula to Eddie: You stand there and I'm going to get you towels, soap, and new bedding. Mary Ann you can help him, Right?

So, I helped Eddie and he did feel better and he even read the newspaper.

We were hoping to come home on Saturday but that didn't happen because of his drain.

July 29
Eddie is home! the first thing he want was to take a shower but that wasn't a good idea because of the neck so he took a bath. I had to wash his hair using a cup like it did when the girls were little.

So far, so good. It's going to be a long road but it'll be worth it.

Feel free to text him. He can't talk the great so it's easier just to text him.

I'll try to keep everyone updated more.

1 comment:

  1. In a year this will be nothing more than a bad dream. God speed his one night? Love you all!
